You know you’ve joined the ranks of what would be referred to as serious digital nomads if you’ve figured out that serviced apartments are perhaps your best option by way of accommodation, but there are indeed some accommodation options which sometimes make for a little bit more of a practical choice. Nevertheless, for the most part a fully serviced apartment fits in best with the typical life of a digital nomad well and truly in it for the long haul.
Leasing Property
Leasing a property for accommodation is a smart choice for digital nomads. It offers them the freedom to move without the constraints of a long-term lease. Moreover, options like an estate at will can grant them the added advantage of not being locked into a specific property for a fixed duration, allowing them to end the lease whenever they wish.
When it comes to comparing a hotel or a residential property, the latter is usually more budget-friendly than a hotel stay, providing more space and convenience for digital nomads.
Floating deposit
I’ve perhaps already touched on the deposit a bit, but it’s worth mentioning in isolation because this money which you get back in the event that nothing happens to the property during your stay can come in handy for other elements of your roaming lifestyle. For example, if you’re applying for a visa for your next destination, chances are the amount of money you have access to counts towards your eligibility in that regard. So what is in essence a floating deposit always comes in handy as some disposable cash you can show to have as part of your travelling fund.
Balanced-out costs
At face value a serviced apartment may appear to be considerably more expensive than something like staying in a hostel/backpackers, renting semi-furnished apartment or sometimes even staying in a guest house or guest lodge, but if you’re going to be travelling full-time it ultimately works out to be a lot more cost-effective. For one thing, you can focus solely on your work and not have to worry about working out the costs of hitting up a co-working space or anything of that sort. You won’t even have to worry about the extra costs of a cleaning service as this would come inclusive in the price.
The costs balance out in the end, but it does indeed depend on a number of unique details, like how long you’ll be staying.
Providers of serviced apartments are often very flexible on the terms they offer by way of price as a factor or time and features. You might not need a fully-furnished apartment for example, in which case you could arrange for a semi-furnished unit that inevitably costs a little less or you might be staying longer, in which case the rates become cheaper as well.