Thank you for stopping by!
We sincerely hope that you enjoy reading our Londoniguide blog! We hope you find this blog interesting and it helps you with your exploration of our magnificent city.
I am open to guest posting. Whatever you have to say I am always open to read it but I do have guidelines for you to follow so it will be appropriate for my site:
- All guest posts submitted should be at least 500 words and all grammar and spelling should be correct
- All guest posts should be 100% original and not hosted on any other website, blog or publication
- Facts on the post should be true and all opinions must be your own words
- Content should align with current content on London Guide anything about travel.
I do not want anything spammy or anything to do with dating or gambling please! Or I won’t be interested in publishing your post! I do apologise.
Feedback is always essential. I like to hear what all of you guys think about my site. Even if it is negative or positive, I am always willing to accept anything that come through my inbox (not if it is spam).
If anything technical is an issue, don’t worry about it. We can sort it if you can let us know what is wrong with our site.
I’m always here for a chat. So why not? If you want us to just give a tip or you want any advice then we can always give you some advice.
We encourage you to interact with us in the blog, we will reply to all comments and messages that are sent to us. Your comments and insight are very important to us and our readers.
If you wish to contact us, you can use form below.