Not long ago I was lucky enough to make a trip to London and get the chance to look around at all the beautiful historical sights, take in the banks of the Thames and enjoy a good old fashioned English pub meal. When I realised I would be going I sat down with my map and my laptop and started making plans to make sure I got to see everything I wanted. With just a few days up my sleeve, I knew I wouldn’t see everything but it wasn’t going to be for a lack of trying.
I probably wasted a couple of good hours planning an itinerary because as soon as I started out from my London hotel on the first morning I was in WiFi zones everywhere and being bombarded with apps that were being generated from all the local sites. How good was that? Obviously, people here were switched on and had gone to see an iOS Developer and got them to create a suitable app for their businesses.
It wasn’t only the shops and pubs that had gone and had apps built but also the City Of London had gone to a lot of trouble to ensure apps were produced for every historic place. This was very cool. If it’s something you’ve thought of doing, I suggest you click here for info and see just what an app developer can do for you. In London? Just download the London Official City Guide App and it will have you all lined up to go and see everything in the most efficient order. Getting lost? Then download the Citymapper London App and you will see exactly where you are and where you have to go and just how far it is.
The specialty app makers did an excellent job with what they produced here and if you want to know how you might do it yourself then continue reading this. There is an iTunes programme that you can use to create your app and they include about 50 videos that give you step by step instructions. The real test when doing your own app is the coding. Of course!
Back in London. There is a very cool London app called Museum of London Street Museum App and believe it or not, this allows you to travel back in time, so to speak. You hold up your camera in present day London and watch as images of London’s past appear on your smartphone. I don’t know who thought up that idea but I guess because things have remained basically the same streetwise, the app creator was able to get pictures of the past to play over existing scenes. That’s really wizardry, not app development. One last one I will tell you about is the Riverside London App. This takes you from Lambeth Bridge to Tower Bridge. Once there, then Tower Bridge has its own app. ‘Appy touring!